Happy World Water Day!
- The number of people who lack safe drinking water is down to 884 million from 1.1 billion in 2006.
- Childhood deaths decreased from 12.6 million in 2007 to 9 million.
- Each dollar invested in safe drinking water and sanitation provides an eight dollar (8:1) return on investment in reduced healthcare costs and time savings.
It is great to see that we are on the right track and are able to reduce the number of people in need of clean water, but there is still much more to be done.
You can be a part of further reducing the number of people who lack clean water and children who die due to water-related illnesses by donating to Aguayuda.
You can also become a sponsor of water deliveries through water trucks for schools and communities in La Guajira, Colombia. To learn more about the schools and communities that participate in our water truck sponsorship program, please watch our new short videos.
Thank you for your support.