5: Number of years Aguayuda has been serving 3,900 people in Latin America with the delivery and implementation of sustainable clean-water solutions, accompanied with educational workshops.
11: Number of communities Aguayuda has helped gain access to clean water.
2,100: Number of people and students in La Guajira, Colombia receiving water through water truck deliveries sponsored by generous donors.
5: Number of clean-water solutions in Aguayuda’s toolbox. Those solutions are well, rain harvesting, windmill, pipeline and filtration.
205: Number of individual donors, foundations, companies, and volunteers who made these achievements possible.
To celebrate its five-year anniversary, Aguayuda will host a presentation on Thursday, December 1, 2011, from 5:00 to 6:30 pm at the Historical Society Auditorium in Easton, Maryland.
Cofounders Simón Zimmer and Sabrina Zimmermann will give a multimedia presentation about Aguayuda’s mission and approach; water and education projects in Latin America; and Aguayuda’s vision for the future.
The event is free to the public and refreshments will be served. Reservations are encouraged by email at info@aguayuda.org or by calling 410-463-1455.
Event location:
The Historical Society Auditorium
17 South Washington Street
Easton, MD 21601
(410) 822-0773
Best regards,