Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Access to Drinking Water is Lacking in US Public Schools

Hello everyone,

The issue of access to clean water is not only an issue in developing countries but also in countries like the United States.

Please read the following shocking article about how many children in the United States do not have access to clean water during their school day.

The situation in the communities we work with in Colombia, Costa Rica and Cameroon is even worse. They lack access to clean water at home and at school as well as have classes in extremely hot temperatures (95 degrees and above) without air-conditioning and lack the basic resources such as pencils, paper and notebooks. Many children also have to walk long distances (1 hour each way) to get to school on an empty stomach.

If you are interested in helping a school have clean water in Colombia, please check out our

water truck sponsorship program.

Thanks for your interest,